Programs by Petition
Before beginning a petition application, please review the approved program offerings. 

The Faculty Study Away Committee (FSAC) rigorously scrutinizes applications that pursue permission to petition a program.

It is important to understand that petitions for study on non-affiliated programs are not routinely approved. Petitions for programs that largely duplicate, or are in competition with existing programs, or for elective credit only, will not normally be approved. 

To pursue approval for a petition program, students must present a detailed, coherent rationale. Students are also required to meet with the Director of the Office of Study Away at least two weeks before the CC application deadline. Students will need to present documentation of the program's academic offerings, course descriptions, admission requirements, grading system, housing arrangements, as well as information about the program's student support services. Students will also need a letter of support from their major advisor(s), stating that they have departmental approval to apply at least one half of the credit earned abroad to meeting major or minor, center, or pathway requirements. Additional documentation may be requested. 

It is required that students also submit an application for a program from the study away program listing. Review the approved program offerings.